LIVE from the Midnight Circus Featuring Jay Willie Blues Band

This is The Voice of Indie Blues the #1 and original INDIE BLUES RADIOshow. The ONLY show that is dedicated to bringing you JUST Independent Blues Artists who Embrace the Diversity of the Blues and are creating the Future of the Blues with New original Music .. These are the Innovators not the imitators .. these are the Indie Blues Artists!
This week we give you music from:
Ronnie Baker Brooks Times Have Changed
Muddy-Gurdy Gonna Love you
John Pagano Band – JPBlues BOTTOMS UP
Mick Kolassa and Friends Nobody Knows You When You’re Down And Out – Featuring Tas Cru
Bobby Rush Porcupine Meat
ThunderGypsy Turn on the Bright Lights
Albert Cummings Found You
Bernard Allison Let It Go
Artur Menezes Should Have Never Left
Johnny Fink and the Intrusion The Fall
Peter Karp Rolling On A Log
Albert Castiglia Quit Your Bitching
Then we have a Indie Blues double shot and interview with Jay Willie of the Jay Willie Blues Band – “Hitting on Nothing” and “Go to Guy” .. After the interview we give you another 2 pack from Jay Willie “The Soul of a Man” and “The Other Side”
Then we have more great INDIE BLUES RADIO with music from:
Altered Five Blues Band Charmed & Dangerous
Curtis Salgado & Alan Hager You Got To Move
Tinsley Ellis Sound Of A Broken Man
An Indie Blues Double Shot from Lex Grey “Usual Suspects” and “Renegade Heart”
Little G Weevil Scrub
Catfish Make It Rain
John Pagano Band – JPBlues Ain’t Mine
Ready To Shove Willie The Wimp
Alana Wyld & Wyld Blu Mercy Mercy
Chris Daniels & The Kings w Freddi Gowdy Get Up Off The Funk
Dan Doiron The Next Lifetime Around
Linsey Alexander How could you do me like you done me
Shaun Murphy I Never Stopped Loving You
Larkin Poe Freedom
ZZ Ward Cannonball
Honoring the Past, Praising the Present, Empowering the Future
Celebrating the Diversity and Power of the Music created by artists that acknowledge their roots are in the Blues!
INDIE Blues – Currently Touring Musicians who recognize they are influenced by The Blues artists that came before them and in the time honored tradition of The Blues, are creating New Original Music that reflects their reality. The music they create communicates with the listener with truth, integrity and touches them on a deep emotional level.
The principles of INDIE BLUES have Always been part of Blues!
Want to know more about INDIE BLUES? Read “Selling the Blues” and “The Indie Blues Movement“
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